Your Bathroom Renovation Guide: Plan Like a Pro

Your Bathroom Renovation Guide: Plan Like a Pro

It’s no secret that complete bathroom renovations in Melbourne are indeed challenging. Even if a bathroom is just a small part of your home, there’s so much to consider. You have to hire a designer, tilers, electricians and more to perform most of the work. But even if you do have their help, you still need to manage the work and ensure that everything is organised.

A bathroom renovation will take time and money. That’s why you need to set a budget and a timeframe. Organising everything is possible when you have a plan in place before the next big project.

The initial step to planning is to think about the purpose of your renovation. This will serve as your guide as you go through the process. Let’s look at what’s involved in bathroom renovations.

Choose a Design 

When you work with bathroom renovation specialists, you’ll realise that design doesn’t only include the overall aesthetics. It’s paramount that you prioritise functionality as well. Modern bathrooms are more extravagant and intricate than before. With so many designs available, choosing the best can be a daunting task.

When choosing an overall look, you have to look back at the purpose. Ask yourself some questions such as the following: How many people will use this bathroom? Is everything functional for children?

To give you an idea about possible designs, you can check out the gallery on our website.

Consider the Storage

Bathroom packages in Melbourne will typically include storage, which can be in your shower, on your walls, and in other sections. Since bathrooms are typically small in size, the storage needs to be planned carefully.

On the walls, you can have floating cabinets, a cabinet with a mirror, hooks, and racks. Depending on the size of your bathroom, a linen closet is an option. Does your bathroom have a high ceiling? It’s time to maximise the space by designing storage that goes all the way up. This can provide you with more space for storing towels and other bathroom supplies.

Another way to maximise the small bathroom space is to have recessed shelves. You can display your prettiest bathroom accessories, toiletries and decorative items with this type of storage.

Create Your Team

Tradies are the foundation of your bathroom renovation. They manage everything from the timing to the completion of the project. Select only the team you trust and communicate easily with as It’s important to engage with them at strategic times to keep everything organised.

Below is the list of professionals you’d need for your upcoming bathroom renovation:

  • Bathroom consultant
  • Designer
  • Architect
  • Builder
  • Plumber
  • Electrician
  • Waterproofer
  • Tilers

While you may choose to engage with various contractors for different purposes, Renoworx combines all of them in one service

Are you ready for your bathroom renovation? Call Renoworx today for a free measure and quote!

 Call our team today to hear our expert advice.

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